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Nxt Gen Canopies revolutionises commercial kitchen exhaust canopy solutions with cutting-edge canopies.

NXT GEN Canopies commercial exhaust canopy – ventilation system keeps your commercial kitchen smoke, odour, and grease-free.

A durable exhaust canopy captures cooking fumes and is highly efficient in busy kitchens.

Our extraction system removes harmful contaminants, safeguarding your staff and customers.

A commercial exhaust canopy is customisable with adjustable fan speeds to meet your unique needs and it’s a perfect fit for any restaurant or catering facility.

NXT GEN Canopies, your trusted partner for professional-grade commercial canopy installations and with our expertise and industry experience, we ensure a seamless installation that meets all safety and ventilation regulations.

Liam employs state-of-the-art techniques to deliver efficient and reliable solutions for your commercial kitchen needs.

Contact us today to discuss your requirements and receive a tailored solution that exceeds your expectations.

our clients

With years of experience in the commercial kitchen industry, Liam is passionate about delivering the best solutions for our clients.

Liam specialises in designing and fabricating custom commercial exhaust canopy and hoods, providing a premium service from start to finish.

Liam is dedicated to meeting the unique requirements of each project, ensuring that our NXT GEN clients receive a high-quality product that is both functional and visually appealing.

From initial design concepts to final installation, Liam works closely with our clients to ensure their satisfaction every step of the way.

Liam believes in the importance of delivering superior levels of service, and are committed to providing efficient and effective solutions that meet the highest standards in the industry.

NXT GEN Canopy specialises in the design and manufacture of commercial exhaust canopy Melbourne, offering high-quality solutions for your ventilation requirements.

Liam Carter - NXT GEN Canopies

An NXT GEN commercial kitchen canopy is a ventilation system designed to remove heat, smoke, grease, and odours produced during cooking processes in commercial kitchens. It helps maintain a safe and comfortable environment for kitchen staff and customers.

An NXT GEN canopy ensures proper ventilation and removes pollutants from the kitchen area, promoting a healthier and safer environment. It also helps you comply with health and safety regulations and prevents the buildup of grease that can lead to fire hazards.

All NXT GEN Canopies are well-designed systems that improve indoor air quality, reduce fire risks, enhance the efficiency of cooking equipment, and maintain a comfortable working environment for your kitchen staff.

Canopies use exhaust fans to draw smoke, steam, and grease-laden air from the cooking area. The air is then filtered and expelled outdoors, ensuring proper ventilation and maintaining a clean kitchen environment.

Yes, there are regulations and codes that govern the installation of commercial kitchen canopies. These regulations are in place to ensure safety, proper ventilation, and compliance with fire codes. It’s important to work with experts like NXT GEN Canopies to ensure you meet compliance.

The size of the kitchen, type of cooking equipment, cooking volume, and the types of foods prepared all influence the size and design of the canopy system. Proper sizing ensures optimal performance and at NXT GEN Canopies we can manufacture your canopy to your exact specifications.

Yes, regular maintenance is crucial to ensure the efficient functioning of a canopy system. Cleaning filters, inspecting exhaust fans, and addressing any issues promptly is essential to prevent fire hazards and maintain air quality.

Absolutely. Canopy systems can be customized to fit the layout of your kitchen and the specific needs of your cooking equipment. NXT GEN Canopy customization ensures optimal performance and aesthetics for your kitchen.

NXT GEN Canopies are experienced providers with a proven track record in designing and installing commercial kitchen canopy systems. Consider our expertise, customer reviews, compliance with regulations, and ability to provide ongoing maintenance and support, for your next commercial grade canopy.

Yes, modern canopy systems are designed with energy efficiency in mind. They incorporate features such as variable speed fans and advanced filtration to ensure efficient ventilation while minimizing energy consumption.