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Top Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Canopy for Managing Greasy Food

Exhaust Canopy

Keeping Your Kitchen Smells Out of Sight (and Smell!)

By Liam Carter

Ever been stuck in a smoky kitchen, eyes watering and wishing for fresh air? Yeah, not fun. That's why restaurants and big kitchens have these giant fans sucking out all the smoke and grease – they're called exhaust fans, and they're like superheroes for air freshness!

But choosing the right exhaust fan isn't like picking a movie snack – it can be tricky. Imagine trying to navigate a smoke-filled room (ironic, right?), not knowing which fan will save the day. Well, no more confusion! We'll cut through the smoke and guide you to clean air and happy cooking.

The A-Team of Kitchen Ventilation:

  • The Powerhouse: Exhaust Fan – This guy sucks out all the smoke, grease, and heat, like a vacuum cleaner for bad smells. But picking the right size and power matters, otherwise it's like trying to clean a hurricane with a tiny hand fan.
  • The Fresh Air Friend: Make-Up Air System – Think of this as the delivery guy, bringing in fresh air to replace the stuff the exhaust fan sucked out. It keeps the pressure balanced and your kitchen from feeling like a giant vacuum chamber.
  • The Smoke Shield: Commercial Hood – This metal hero hangs over your cooking stuff, capturing smoke and grease before they spread like wildfire. Make sure it's the right size and made of tough stuff like stainless steel, so it can handle the heat and last a long time.

Finding the Perfect Fan for Your Kitchen:

It's not just about picking the biggest, loudest fan. You gotta think about your kitchen's size, what you cook, and even the layout of your building.

  • Size Matters: Bigger kitchens need stronger fans, just like a bigger pizza takes longer to cook.
  • Cooking Kings and Queens: Steaks and fries make more smoke than salad, so pick a fan that can handle your cooking style.
  • Building Maze: If your kitchen air has to travel through a long, twisty tunnel (the ductwork), you'll need a fan with extra muscle.

Fan Types – Who's Who?

  • Propeller Fans: Like mini windmills, they're good for simple air circulation, but not the best for heavy smoke or grease.
  • Centrifugal Fans: These guys are the muscle, perfect for handling tough jobs like greasy smoke and long ductwork.


  • CFM: This is like the fan's speed limit. The higher the CFM, the more air it can move.
  • Static Pressure: Think of this as the air resistance inside the ductwork. A strong fan is needed if it has to fight its way through lots of bends and turns.
  • Cleanliness is Next to Freshness: Regularly cleaning your hood filters and fan parts is like washing your superhero costume – it keeps them working their best and prevents fires.

Choosing the right exhaust fan might seem like a big deal, but with this guide, you'll be breathing easy in no time! Remember, NXT GEN Canopies are always here to help you find the perfect fan for your kitchen, so don't be afraid to ask!

Bonus Tip: You can even find exhaust fans that are quiet and energy-efficient! So, you can save money and keep your kitchen smelling like a breath of fresh air.